Thursday, September 2, 2010

No Pictures...Just Words

I don't have any pictures to share, but I do have a new experience and a new feeling. I have been under the weather. It is Thursday evening (9/2/2010) and I have felt like I have had a fever since Monday, along with a heavy and weezy chest. I am on day 2 of no coffee. I was hoping that would help in some weird way.
During break I went to the Dr's office and told her my symptoms. She checked my temperature, not too high. Checked my breathing, apparently fine. And checked my throat. She said my esophagus was swollen and red. Hmmm I thought. I don't remember ever really having problems. She listed off about 5 different pills I would be taking 3 times a day for the next 4 days. Along wth a syrup, and another pill to take if the medicine makes me sick, She said that almost every foreigner has stomach problems when they first come to Korea. But I'm not having stomach problems!!! She insisted that i take the medicine. I go and breathe into an inhaler machine through my mouth and then with one through my nose. Afterwards I stand on a scale. This is where it gets interesting. Now I admit that I have gained a few pounds because I haven't been exercising, and in the Phillipines I let myself eat as much western food and ice cream I wanted. But I have never thought I was at an unhealthy weight. WELL here in Korea they are bred a lot smaller than us! They are skinnier, shorter, and just plain smaller. The DR proceeded to tell me that I was overweight. I thought to myself, "oh ok, yes I know I am trying to shed about 8 or 9 pounds", and I asked her how much she thought I should lose. 7 kg.....
This comes to almost 18 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't beleive it. When I left and was alone, I of course put on my sun glasses and burst into tears. Just not something you tell a woman who is alone in a new country! Anyway I am over it, but it's weird because it totally shifted my mood. I can't believe that I let a stranger who speaks very little English effect me in such a serious manner.
SO for dinner I made some grilled chicken (thanks for the marinade mom) and sauteed cucumbers and an egg plant. I loved it! =)
I have never used egg plant or cucumbers in any of my cooking. Granted I ate a lot of the egg plant and cucumbers....but hey it's a start to getting fit right!

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