Saturday, September 25, 2010

It is so interesting how one punctuation mark can change the meaning of a word that is meant to be so simple. Love is everywhere here in Korea. Couples everywhere....hell it is even fashionable to wear matching clothes if you are a couple. All of the teachers that I work with are in relationships. Most english teachers here are in a relationship or just got out of one. I think people find a comfort in having a relationship with someone that they can see and talk to everyday. I have been here for a little over 2 months and have done a good job at not jumping into a relationship. I have even had to turn down a date or two because the guy showed interest in becoming too serious too quickly.
Now I am adjusting a little more and wondering if I am comfortable enough to start "looking for love".
And then I have to ask the question of what kind of man do I want? I have turned down multiple am I too picky or just really not interested in dating while I am on such an adventure over here. I want the typical qualities that any woman wants in a man....loyal, intelligent, humor, good morals etc. But do I want the man who wants me when I am walking around and exploring a new country in shorts and a shirt, with my hair pulled back and minimal makeup? Or the man that wants me when I am dressed to impress. Hair curled, model makeup on, high heels?
These were my thoughts as I was walking home from a lovely BBQ today....full of couples =) Full of people saying they could set me up with someone etc.
SO do you go looking for it because everyone says you should?
Nah, if love wants can come find me.

This however, doesn't change the fact that I love. I love love. I love romance. I love living in Korea. I love my family. I love my friends. I love a good cup of coffee in the morning. I love dressing up. I love holidays.
get it? I love =)
Love is all around

Korean women wearing their traditional Chu-suk clothing at the Gyeongbokgung palace that I visited with Aidan and his parents.


Palace performers
Pickle! The pup at the BBQ

Got my nails done with my friend Nicola. They are painted purple, but the purple is fading from light to dark on the tip

Sticker art. It is everywhere in Korea. This one stuck out the most to me, so I put it above my bed.

A new thing I have found that I love.....nail polish =)
I came here with none and look how many I have already added to my collection!

Me right before bed!
One of my students made me a card during class. He even made his own envelope and sealed it shut with one of his own Pokemon stickers..... Here is what was in Barry's envelope
It is everywhere....

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