Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Chu-Suk

It is Chu-suk. This is the Korean version of Thanksgiving. It is fun to hear about all the tradtitions they have. They make special food, wear certain traditional Korean outfits, and gather at their grandparents house for 3 days. The kids play certain games, and wish upon the full moon. Since everyone goes home, this has left my city very quiet. I kind of like it. Iwent for a walk today, and I was very cold. I am thinking that this is a bad sign, because it is only September and if I am already cold....this means I am in for a very long and cold winter. Arizona winter has not prepared me for what is to come. 

Polly's Kettle with TK

Soju Kettles

Aidan and TK
Life is still good over here. With the changing of the weather, I am noticing the lonely side of living abroad.

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