Monday, September 20, 2010


I went on my first hike here in Korea. Who knew that Korea held such beautiful  scenery just outside the city. I met a group of people that I had never met before. One of the girls went to my high school, a mutual friend hooked us up through email and she happened to be teaching in Korea for a year also. We met on the hikem and together pushed forward for an 8 hour strenuous and sweat breaking hike. By far, the hardest hike I have ever been on. There was a group of people from all over the world: US, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland, South Africa etc. It was fun to meet new people and to hear about why they're here and what their experiences have been like. Most people are teachers, but they have traveled the world, and their stories were incredible to hear.

The mountain is Bukhansan, which is located on the north side Seoul, Korea. It is about 836 meters above sea level. There were a lot of people hiking on the mountain. Some of the koreans that were hiking in our group were hiking the mountain barefoot! I couldn't believe it. They were hiking faster than any of us. At some of our breaks where we all sat to catch our breaths and wipe the weat from our brow, one man would play a wooden flute type instrument. It was such a lovely addition to an already incredible experience. I oushed myself physically on the mountain. There were a few moments where I thought I couldn't go on, or that my body was going to collapse. I have a feeling that if I were with friends from home, I may have given up or let my mind convince my body that I couldn't go on.
I'm glad I didn't.

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I'm glad I kept with it....and made it to the top!

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