Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I am an English teacher

I am an English teacher. There are different ways that we identify ourselves, and over the years the statements we make about our "identity" will change. From girl, to woman, to girlfriend, wife and mother. There is no order in which we should find our identities, and I don't think that there is ever a "true identity". I hope to always be evolving through my life. Finding myself over and over again. Finding myself with a man I call my husband. Finding myself through children, a job, or a passion. These things should always progress and as long as we are comfortable in our skin, in our current "identity" I think we will always be happy. So I am an English teacher. That is my main identity here in Korea. I have identified myself as many other things throughout my life, but is an English teacher. Here is a look into my school...C.P.I
My kids (leopard cubs...monday thr friday) had to make a map or the world and identify the 7 continents...if you look closely you can tell the smart from the...well not so smart. Some only ended up with 5 continents =)
We are learning about Chu-suk. Korean version of Thanksgiving. We get 3 days off in the middle of the week, september 20-23. Leopard cubs made signs of who they are thankful for.

It is a Korean tradition to take your shoes off whenever you walk into someones house, or certain restaurants or stores. So each each kid that comes to school has to take off their shoes, then put on "slippers" until they go home.


My kids like to hear about where I am from. I printed these off for them to color.

And that's where Koban teacher lives =)
Front Office

Each room has a camera in it, so lucky us the parents can sit and watch us teaching if they want.

My friend Zack and I at Piranha 3-D
The tickets were a little pricey, but for the same price you can get a bag of popcorn and 2 beers!! Beers that...yes....they serve from tap in a plastic cup that you drink from a straw!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kobe,
    I love all the bright colors at your school. How uplifting and enerizing for the kids to greet every morning.I will try and find some AZ stickers, etc. and send so you can give to your kids. They are lucky to have such a beautiful person (inside and out) as their English teacher.
    Love you and love reading your updates. xoxoxo mom
