Monday, November 1, 2010

Take a walk in my shoes

Each morning, I wake up and this is what I see... I wake up about an hour before I have to leave for work....I usually wake up and skype in the morning, and have about 2 cups of coffee. Then it's off to work at 915am

 I leave my apartment building here, and turn left....
 ...then I walk up this small hill....
 and then down this takes a total of about 5 or 6 minutes to walk to work. I actually really enjoy the fact that I don't drive at all, it is quite freeing...
 ....then I come in and set my stuff down at my desk. This is where all of the teacher's desks are. Mine is the second one in with the black  coat hanging on the chair. We spend a lot of time in here doing lesson plans, and reports...but mostly we mess around on facebook and watch funny and inappropriate youtube videos =)
 Then it's off to my main class the leopard cubs. I have them monday through friday from 9:20-2:00. I usually get mobbed by my kids....I don't think they understand that this is a little overwhelming so early in the morning

 Check the lesson plans for the day. Starts with circle time, which is conversation time about the date, days of the week, weather, and how they are feeling. Followed by phonics, language book, journal writing book on Tues/Thurs, then 10 minutes break time, song performance time, and theme activity. Then we all line up for lunch
 The rules that they have to write over and over again, for about 10 minutes a day, 3 days a week. This helps them learn how to write more neatly, but also it is teaching them discipline to sit quietly.
 Class =)
 School Lunch. Cafeteria food isn't good in America, and it's still not good in Korea.
 Aidan busy doing teacher things
That is just a small glimpse of my day at school. On my  long breaks I try to go to the gym once or twice a week, otherwise we will go get coffee somewhere and have snacks, Being a teacher is definitely not the healthiest lifestyle.
It is cooling down a lot here, so the walk to school is starting to take me a little bit longer. I am not warmed up enough to move so quickly early in the morning when it is so chilly. I feel like how the weather is right  now, is about as cold as it gets for winter back home in Phoenix....apparently I am in for a long winter because they say that this is nothing compared to December and January!

1 comment:

  1. I loved taking this walk with you! Thanks for sharing!
