Thursday, November 11, 2010

Halloween For Grown-ups

So after the school's halloween party, we felt that we owed it to ourselves to have an adult halloween party. I decided to have all the teachers over to my apartment for some wine before we headed to Itaewon for dinner and drinks. Here are Nicola and Greg on my bed =) They are a lot of fun to have around!
 James (left) and Jp (teacher) with their hilarious costume. Of course Jp couldn't wear this to work
 Nicola and Brian. He is Harry Potter, and I told him he should be Ron Weasley instead....he took offense to this haha. Ron is my favorite character though. Guess I should have mentioned that also.
 Dinner at the most delicious (and expensive) Italian restaurant. It was just like a real restaurant! They waiters came and checked on you, refilled your drinks without you having to yell across the room. They spoke English, and the walls were even painted!! All of these things are rare over here. Honestly, it's the small things that you don't realize you miss.
 Nikki teacher and I =) I am Tom Cruise from risky business! It was a hit
 A bar on the rooftop of a bar. My first time being here, but it was a lot of fun. There are always a lot of miltary men and other foreigners in Itaewon. That is what it is known for.

 Of course it just ended up being just Aidan and myself going around to different bars dancing all night until the next morning.

 ME =)
Halloween was much different from what it normally is back home, but it has been a major breath of fresh air to be around new people all the time. Learning everyone's story and living as the person I want to be...not the person I am known for from all my friends and family that I have known my whole life. Living abroad has given me a fresh sheet of paper to write a new part of my life in. I am loving it. It is most interesting to get feedback from people that I've met, or gone out to dinner with. To hear how they see me, and how I presented myself seems to be different than back home.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, this post made me slip right into Korean world, and Koban world. I love this post. I love your candid extrinsic and intrinsic observations. Miss you.
