Saturday, August 7, 2010

I took a train today, all by myself. I went to Osan last night to hang out with some friends. Osan is an air force town, so everything was Americanized, and there were a lot of Americans. It was nice to see other foreigners like myself, but to be honest I like where I live. I like that my area is more traditional, and there are hardly any foreigners aside from my teacher friends.
This is Seoul Station. It is a main train station that also connects to multiple subway lines. I would consider this are the "heart or downtown" of Seoul. People were so nice to me. I had to keep asking people if I was on the right train, or if this was my stop.

This is a view of Seoul when you first come out of the station. It is gorgeous!!

This is a picture from inside the train. It was about an hour train ride to get to Osan. I found it quite relaxing.
The trains have cushioned seats, and AC. And for an hour train ride, it was between 5 and 6 dollars.
I told my friend that I was sad there was no sign of country music anywhere in Korea, let alone cowboys. So they found probably the only country bar in the whole country and we went there. It was quite country haha. Very "Po-dunk". Notice the christmas lights...but also the huge Arizona flag!
I had this whole speech about risk ready to type. I actually typed more than half of it out, and just deleted it. Not sure why. Maybe for fear that it was too personal, or that it was just too dumb to put on the internet. So for now, these pictures will do all the talking, as I am off to bed!
Love you Grandpa and Grandma!!
Miss you mom =)


  1. I love seeing the pictures and hearing your perspective on everything you are experiencing.The contry bar had more guys doing the (what appeared to be) the electric slide than I would have expected.Aren't you glad you didn't go to a place to live and work that is just like the US. I love you!xoxoxoxoxo mom

  2. We love reading your blog, Grandma, Grandpa and Terry
