Thursday, August 5, 2010

A funny feeling

I couldn't sleep last night because I had a funny the pit of my stomach but also in my heart. I couldn't quite figure out what it was. My mind was going in all different directions. I was thinking about Korea, teaching, my family, Grandpa, friends, past relationships etc, but none of my thoughts were complete. I couldn't slow my mind down enough to have a single thought. So I sat up, and thought for a second of whether to try and skype someone, or just watch T.V. I decided against both, but decided that I should check my email just in case there was any word on Grandpa. There was, there was an email from grandpa and grandma to all the grandkids. Of course, I had to read it 3 or 4 times and immediately spent the next few minutes crying. (I am a closet cryer)
But it was weird, once I collected myself and shut down my computer, I laid down, shed 2 more tears and fell right asleep. Almost as if my heart was telling me to wake up at that moment to read that email.

So not a funny feeling, but a funny thing. I was getting in the elevator at my apartment tonight and there was a man inside and I paused to let him out, but he stayed in the elevator and made a hand motion asking me if I was going up. I nodded yes, and he scoot over to let me in and then he pushed the 4th floor button (my floor) My first thought was what the heck?!?! This is either an extremely creepy coincidence or this man has stalked me. Then he turned to me and put his hand to his face and made the shape of a phone. THEN IT HIT ME! My manager had called my apartment people to tell them that my apartment had some things that needed fixing. Haha so I was immediately at ease, Korean people are generally nice anyway. WELL while we tried to communicate what we would do and what was wrong I was trying to make pre packaged spaghetti....but couldn't read the directions. Yes, I seems self explanatory...but some of the pictures showed them pouring water in the pot...and others didn't. (Koreans are not very good with artwork). So I asked the man fixing my wall if I was supposed to add i motioned him over, pointed to water in the bowl and then nodded my head yes or made an X with my arms (how they tell tourists no) At first he was confused but then he made hand motions to say to add water and bring it to a boil, and then he turned on the vent. HAHA he must have thought that I was a complete American Idiot. I was very thankful for him though, he was so kind, fixed my wall, and helped me with dinner. Who said men are incapable cavemen =)

Well if you are reading this then you are probably close to my
I love you!
I miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kobie,

    Your blog is great. It made me teary eyed reading it. You can also imagine what I (Debbie downer) was thinking when you said you let the man into your apt. Hope your dinner turned out good. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox mom :)
