Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An experience.....

Today I was walking with my friend Nicola to the gym We were crossing the street, she was about 1 step and a half in front of me. I noticed a car hadn't slowed down and before I could say her name, maybe it
happened too quickly or maybe I froze for a second. Before I could say her name the car smashed into Nicola! It seemed to have happened in slow motion. The car hit her and her body went lifeless as it went into the air before she came crashing down. She immediately started screaming, and I dropped my bag and ran over to her not knowing what to do first. I knew I shouldn't touch her or roll her over. Another foreigner ran over and started speaking korean to someone and got them to call the police. We covered her body with his jacket because her jeans had been pulled down. Her hands were bloody and she had dirt and scrapes all over her. Luckily the guy pulled over and for the next hour and a half we dealt with the police as she rode to the hospital in an ambulance. I wrote the license plate number on my hand and the other foreigner took pictures and actually went back to our school to get Eunice (manager) so she could come and translate with us. I think he could see the panic in my eyes and hear it in my voice. I rode with the police and the guy that hit her to the ER...I was not about to let this guy leave my sight for even a second!
In the ER they tried to ask nicola a question, but she couldn't even formulate a sentence because she was in such a state of shock, not to mention had no idea what the Dr's or policemen were saying. When our manager arrived, I went to the police station to fill out a report. The guy at first was trying to say the light was yellow but he later admitted everything to be his fault. Another man I work with was at the station also and translating my side of the story. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I started bawling. Usually you never see the actual accident itself, you usually see it right after ya know. It was awful. I can't imagine what she is going through. When I talked to Nicola later about what she remembered, she said she heard me shout her name and just as she turned around she was hit. She said she was in the ambulance calling out my name and wondering why I wasn't there. When i got to the hospital, she said she couldn't even recognize me. She said she had never seen me so pale,

We take advantage of the people we love, and the ones that love us. We always think that we can tell them tomorrow or on a special occasion that we LOVE them. Why is it that we take time to do smaller things? We take time to make sure that we get our morning coffee, or our gossip magazine at the store, maybe a happy hour drink, or a shiny new car wash. So why is it that we forget constantly to take time, even as short as 5 seconds to say I love you. I am grateful for you. I am in love with you. I admire you. I look up to you. I cherish you in my life. Say the words outloud..."I love you" less than 5 seconds.
Since we are naturally selfish and like to do things that help us......just know that by reminding those we love around us just how special we are will make us feel good about ourselves. Win-Win


  1. Kobie, you are so right. Who actually needs the coffe, the magazine, the car wash or cocktail. We do need each other and relationships. Why we don't nurture them is a good question. I am so very thankful your friend Nicola is ok and very thankful also that you weren't hit. I love you lots and am so very thankfuland greatful for all my family. xoxoxoxoxo...love your blog...mom

  2. This post took my breath away. I am so thankful you are both okay. I love you Kobie.
