Thursday, July 29, 2010


Hi Grandpa and Grandma!! I hope you guys see my blog and enjoy it! I wish I could have come out to NY and seen you before I came over here! Just wanted to say I miss you and Love you both!!!(now people will be jealous because they don't get a shout out in my blog)

Meet Harry. He is one of my preschoolers, I <3 him! He does not test my patience =)
My bathroom. Yep that is my shower above the toilet. It is not bad, it is nice to have such a big bathroom. I just have to make sure i remember to turn the shower off when I go to wash my hands!
I built a fort....that's how bored I am......=)
No this is how I dry my sheets!
My street! View of Seoul from my balcony
Patience is a virtue
The definition of patience is to tolerate delay. This has never been something that came easy to me. Now I am a teacher =) Teachers require a lot of discipline, and even more patience. Without knowing really what I was in store for over here in Korea, I have found my patience being tested daily. I struggle with this, and I feel like I struggle even more with it because I am a lone here. It is funny how you can be in a room full of people, or a city of 20 million people and feel completely alone. SO what to do? Wait it out? Find joy in small things? Run and hide? I vote for all the above. I am a firm believer in what doesn't kill you will make you stronger, as long as you let it. My kids can be very difficult, as are any kids between the ages of 4 and 10.
When my patience isn't getting the best of me, Korea really is a lovely place. I can't believe how new everything is. I have to make new friends, learn how to do my new job well, find my way around a new city, adjust to a new apartment, and try to learn and understand a new language!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kobie, What a great blog. I have loved reading everything you have been writing. Keep it up. Love and miss you and I will try and Skype you when I get home tomorrow.xoxoxoxoxoxo mom :)
