Friday, February 11, 2011

I've had the time of my life

Graduation is right around the corner at CPI. The kids are all getting ready to move to their new school, or to a new classroom. The teachers are all getting ready for their new jobs, and new homes, and new lives. So much around me is changing, and it's not slowing down at all. I blinked, and my Korean adveture is almost over. For my kids final performance I chose the poem that was read at my high school graduation: Oh the places you'll go! By Dr. Suess. For their song, I could only think of one song that could fit for my kids, but also that could fit my opinion about the last 7 months. I've had the time of my life, from Dirty Dancing.

I've had the time of my life, and I owe it all to you. There's no other way to say it more simply than that. I
have said it many times, and will probably continue to say it...the people I have met here are some of the most interesting, caring, supportive, hilarious, and genuine people I have ever met. I am blessed, and I wouldn't change a minute of the last 7 months....except maybe I would add more time.

 Costume time for my Leopard cubs
 Putting the final touches before our performance
                     "Congratulations! Today is your day, you're off to great places, you're off and away"
                                                                Oh the places you'll go!

Monday, January 24, 2011


We took our Kinders on a field trip, to go sledding. It hadn't really been snowing that much, so I wasn't sure where we would find a hill so close to the city with enough snow. Well luckily we found one pretty close to school. The kids were so excited. I was pretty excited also, I just wasn't sure what to expect. I mean what happens if a kid goes into the sledding restricted area, and it is one of the kids who doesn't really understand English!!!!!????!!!!! Luckily, we didn't have any situations. When we arrived, I was freezing. I still haven't learned how to dress correctly for the snow. I guess I will never understand the idea of layers, layers, layers.

 The kids all stood in a line, and carried their tubes up the hill, almost like a line at a water park. I was there to assist with getting the tubes to the top, and helping to arrange the kids, and make sure they took turns going down the hill. There was a system, and I am a fast learner. =)
 Ready, Set, GO! Go meant, kick the kid's tubes and send 'em flying! Good stress reliever.
 Of course it wasn't all work for the teachers. Nicola enjoying herself
 Jp ready to take on the slope.
 haha Aidan was excited.
 I was the only smart one who has sunglasses to deflect the sun!
 The kids were tired, but had so much energy on the bus ride home. Here you can see Lucy in the white jacket. She is a sweetie, but she gets distracted too easily. Then Nathan in the blue, very smart kid, but I have to punish him at least once a day. Then Danny in the beanie, smartest one!
It was a great day, and most importantly the kids enjoyed it. We came back to school, and it was lunch time so all the teachers went out for Valence burger. After lunch, it was movie time in the big room, and then school for the Kinders was over. Easy as pie!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year

Every new year, people come up with New year resolutions. They can usually be measured on the same chart: lose weight, get promoted etc. As much as I would like to be more creative than the majority, I too fall into the New Year cliche resolutions. I didn't make too many goals, nor did I put too much thought into them....however if I had to choose some goals for the year they would be: lose 20 pounds by next Christmas (please don't say I don't need have't seen me in 6 months lol) buy a car, apply to graduate school, go to Disneyland, spend more time outdoors, and volunteer more of my time. I was relfecting on 2010, and a lot happened. It was a great year! I learned so much about myself, and I hope that I continue to learn more each year. Let's see....2010. I contemplated moving to Chicago for a boy, I worked steadily at a job where I was under appreciated, I turned 25, moved to Korea, went to the Philippines, lost my grandpa, had to handle my grandfather's death completely on my own, ate squid for the first time, and became a teacher!!!! Wow. What a solid year. I know that 2011 is going to be just as great. Well we created a fabulous feast for New Year's Eve, and had every intention of going to the bars to meet people. However, it was really cold, and we started having our own dance party, and it just seemed like the better idea to stay in. It was perfect!
 Well everyone needs a kiss for New year's eve
 First official picture of us in the New Year! Oh, and yes I cut Kim's bangs =)
 You can't really tell but the sparklers worked really well.....and well, I was kind of excited for them
 Our delicious meal with colorful drinks! You would never guess was each was lol.
Red: Water, crystal light, and bacardi.
Blue: powerade, and bacardi
Dark: Guiness and coke, and vodka
 Jp and james
 For the last two weeks of December I house and dog sat for my friend Greg. Here's Pickle playing in the snow. And yes her tail is pink....we dyed it.

Korean War Museum

This was the front entrance to the museum

We didn't quite understand everything that was written about the artifacts, but everything was so colorful and nicely constructed it didn't really matter.
Getting into character

They had life size war vehicles. Airplanes, parachute jumpers, tanks etc. A lot of the stuff was hands on.

A Korean soldier in the "jungle"
I wish I was able to learn more from the museum, but since most of it was written in Korean it was hard to read. There was so much stuff to see, that one day was not enough to really soak it up. It was a lot of fun to walk around, and afterward Kim and I escaped the snow with some muffins and lattes.                                

Monday, December 13, 2010

Two Worlds Collide

 Well it finally happened. My dear friend Kim Dearing finally arrived in Korea. I grew up next door to each other, and we have been best friends since the age of 7 when we met on a soccer team that dad was coaching. Our families have always been close, and have seen each other through it all. I was giddy all day when I was getting ready to see Kim. It was weird when we met up, it was almost like I didn't know how to act. I hadn't thought about how it would be to have my old life collide with my new life. I have a routine, and a way of doing things, and staying happy and sane throughout the day. I think it was so different than I thought it would be is because she isn't here to visit, She is here to teach in a town about an hour away from me. This means that she needs to start figuring out her own routine, and way of doing things over here. It is so neat that we are able to have this adventure together. Of all things, here we are together. I am lucky that she is here for the holidays.

I took her to a Norabang (singing room) for her first night out. We went out for dinner with Aidan and then went and played darts (I destroyed the competition), and then we went and sang our little hearts out.
 One of the million nice things of having Kim here with me, is that she understands when I complain about just how cold it really is!
 I brought her out to meet all my teacher friends. Below we have Habiba, James, JP, Nicola, and Greg
 Nicola and I at Greg's house for his birthday. This girl has really helped me over here. She has very quickly found a place in my heart
 Kim and I bundled up trying to keep warm!
 Out for a day of Christmas shopping with Kim in Insadang. It was an outdoor market, so it was freezing!
 Korean dancers/drummers/performers
 And of course....Pickle! She reminds me so much of Toaster